Wednesday, September 22, 2010

For Chris - Deaths' Winter Season

It has taken me a long time to put into words how I feel about losing my little brother . . this poem touches on some of my feelings. . If I write about him I feel connected to him.

For Chris
Deaths' Winter Season

Today I sat and cried for you in vain
When tomorrow comes, I'll surely do the same.
Although there may be no tears on my face,
in the my heart, the grief is holding place.

There are memories of you that make me smile,
even if for just a moments while
for I still know, that everyday, brand new
will begin and will end, without you.

Will time heal the shifting pain within
knowing I cannot see you again
which turns the days ahead harder to face,
while, in my heart, the grief is holding place.

So be the path of heaven you may walk
and to the heavens angels you will talk
to lay your soul among the very best
and in peace, eternal, you shall rest

Life is the summer of deaths' winter season
still losing you, I find no sense or reason
when talking to the angels, ask them to reply
as I'm screaming at the heavens asking why you had to die

To believe your sense of spirit follows through
heals not, this life, to live now without you
I close my eyes, so I can see your face
set in stone, my grief is holding place

It's not fair and it shall never be
but if in heaven, I do hope you see . .
the love for you held firmly in it's place
by everyone who felt your touch and grace

And tho' I know I'll never understand
I'm grateful for our time spent hand in hand
my brother, I will always see your face
set in stone, my grief is holding place


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